The sky explodes in orange color
Bright twilight scene in the background of grey spires
Did you gaze on the silhouette of the city
from your turquoise window in the hawk tower
while I was walking under it
to reach my destination on that day?
Could it be that the little girl under the highway
who saw the same silhouette of the city
have a memory of your friendly voice
and a glimpse of thought about my happy smile?
Maybe I walked past the glass window of the cafe
when you enjoyed warm coffee with a friend
Maybe you have once stared proudly
on the flying cross in blue yellow in the corner of the road
while I was making a wish on my biggest dream in front of it
Could it be that I have looked at your ocean blue eyes
as the synchronization placed us together
somewhere under the silhouette of the city?
by Frouwelinde
for the possibility of us being in the same place in 2013
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