
Red String

Many times have passed since the last one
And I wonder why I’m always wrong?
Each time I send my love to someone
No one even realized...
I have been tired walking and searching
Where is the right one, I couldn’t find
All stories I wrote felt meaningless
Those are all not what I want...

Old story had told me
That everyone has a
Red string connected with the right soul
Where mine will ended?
Are you holding the end?
Cause I can feel you’re the right one...

Have I found the red string
Between us, you and me
Stretched and tied our souls to be one..
Have I found the right one
Cause no one has loved me
As beautiful as what you have done...

Many love stories written for me
But nothing feels right in each of them
Then you came and fix all the mistakes
Write a new chapter for me...
In love at first sight you make me believe
Such a fairy tale that I deny
But since I’m with you this reality
Feels lovelier than the dreams...

Old story had told me
That everyone has a
Red string connected with the right soul
Where mine will ended?
Are you holding the end?
Cause I can feel you’re the right one...

Have I found the red string
Between us, you and me
Stretched and tied our souls to be one..
Have I found the right one
Cause no one has loved me
As beautiful as what you have done...

by LV~Eisblume
for the inspirer..

~ Ini lirik lagu, udah lama sih bikinnya :) Terinspirasi dari cerita lama yang pernah gue denger. Konon katanya, manusia diciptakan berpasang-pasangan dan dengan pasangannya itu sesungguhnya sudah ada seutas benang merah yang mengikat dan menghubungkan keduanya. Tapi di dunia ini banyak banget benang merahnya dan ketika kita bertemu seseorang lalu menjalin hubungan dengannya maka kita sedang memeriksa, apakah ujung benang merah yang kita pegang ada pada orang tersebut. hehehe.. ada2 aja sih sebenarnya :P

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